Olá a todos! Depois de um fim-de-semana cheio de docinhos será que há espaço para mais um? Bem me parecia que sim.
Nem sempre há tempo para comprar pão fresco para a mesa do pequeno-almoço, daí estes muffins serem um excelente plano b, fazer um tabuleiro ao fim-de-semana e guardar alguns no congelador é o meu plano de ataque (podem ser congelados até 2 meses). Depois é retirar do frio e deixar a descongelar durante a noite, no dia seguinte basta fazer uma chávena de café e saborear.
Hi everyone! After a great Easter weekend is anyone in the mood for one more sweet? I thought so.
Breakfast are a big thing around here, but during the week not always I have the time to put some fresh bread on the table, so I had to develop a plan b. You can see where this is going; muffins are my plan b, especially these which have fruit and seeds. When I have time I bake a muffin tray, eat some on the day but also keep some on the freezer (they last up to 2 months), than whenever I’m on the mood I defrosted overnight and voilà, fresh homemade muffins for breakfast.
2 ovos
200gr açúcar mascavado
100ml leite
75gr sementes de chia
50ml de óleo
350gr morangos cortados em pedaços
200gr farinha com fermento
2 eggs
200gr Brown sugar
100ml milk
75gr chia seeds
50ml oil
350gr diced strawberries
200gr self-rising flour
1-bater os ovos com o açúcar, a seguir acrescentar o leite e o óleo e bater tudo muito bem novamente. Acrescentar os morangos e as sementes (guardar algumas para decorar)
2-Envolver delicadamente a farinha, colocar a massa em forminhas de muffins e decorar com as sementes.
3-Cozer em forno médio (entre 170 a 180ºC) até estarem bem cozidos.
1-Whisk the eggs with the sugar, than add the milk and the oil and whisk again. Add the strawberries and the chia seeds (keep some chia for topping)
2-Fold the flour, transfer the batter into muffin tins and top it with the leftover chia seeds.
3-Bake in medium heat oven (around 170 to 180ºC) until they are well baked.
1-Whisk the eggs with the sugar, than add the milk and the oil and whisk again. Add the strawberries and the chia seeds (keep some chia for topping)
2-Fold the flour, transfer the batter into muffin tins and top it with the leftover chia seeds.
3-Bake in medium heat oven (around 170 to 180ºC) until they are well baked.
Que fome!
ResponderEliminarQue giros! Belo aspecto!