


Passear em Moledo tráz memórias de infância, desde pequena que passo férias nesta aldeia do Minho à beira mar. Parece que o tempo estagnou, apesar de algumas pequenas mudanças continua tudo igual ou como é suposto ser. O mar é imponente, as ondas são altas, o areal permanece repleto de algas e o vento vem do norte. Foram uns dias calmos de papo para o ar e mergulhos fugidios. 

Walking around Moledo brings childhood memories; I’ve been spending summer vacations there since I was a little girl. It’s a beautiful seaside little town on the north of Portugal, a kind of paradise where time has stopped, it looks almost the same for the past 20 years. The sea is clear but tough, the wind blows quite strong and the sand is dressed in seaweed. It was a nice couple of days, not doing much and enjoying the moment. 

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